How can we, as a society, move from “othering” to belonging. What and whom does othering actually benefit? How can we expand the circle of human concern and concern for nature? How can we live into our innate interconnection to create true inclusivity and wholeness? How do we build the structures, institutions, policies, cultures and stories that will support that inclusivity? Join Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder-in Residence at PolicyLink, which works to improve access and opportunity for all low-income people and communities of color, and john a. powell, renowned law professor, activist, and founder of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, for a deep one-on-one conversation about these critically important, existential questions.
Note: This remarkable dialogue will be preceded by a special private screening of “From Othering to Belonging: The Circle of Human Concern,” a cathartic episode from the new docu-series “Changing of the Gods” directed by Kenny Ausubel and Louie Schwartzberg. The episode is a transformative passage through the valley of the shadow of Othering that illuminates the complex dynamics of the human psyche, ruthless political manipulations by elites using “divide-and-conquer” strategies to maintain their wealth and power, and the rising social movements for truth, reconciliation and healing.